Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Amsterdam -- Sitting on Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat

The trip was busy, as work trips often are, so I was only able to get one sketch done during my trip to Amsterdam.  Sitting just out front the little boutique-y hotel on Eerste Constantijn Hugyensstraat (say that five times fast to your favorite Dutch cab driver and just wait for the blank look. . .then show him the address on your phone), I was able to capture the shops across the street.  My intent was to also draw the little park just to the left of these buildings.  Alas, there was not time.

Architectural drawings are not my strong suit and I did some touch ups later that night after dinner to provide more contrast.  Not bad over all, and it was just fun to sit and draw in the same city as Van Gogh.

                                        Watercolor and ink on paper 5.5x8.25 

1 comment:

  1. I like it. Too bad you didn't have enough time. I think i will also use this one as a wallpaper.

    No need to show me your "Thanks" for displaying your art. Keep your ears on your head! ;D

